Photo by Jeffery Erhunse on Unsplash
Happy New Year! It has been almost 10 months since I was asked to work remotely and every week I have tried to come up with a master WFH routine and while these efforts were very ambitious, they had all failed miserably after 2 weeks. I made a new saying for whenever things fail - If it’s not working, it simply means I have more work to do,and after a while it seemed as if I always had work to do, and as my routines failed my energy became more and more depleted. I have 3 routines that I continuously tweaked, I tested different work start times, more breaks, fewer breaks as well as switching the order that I do certain tasks.
I decided to try something new for 2021 or let’s say something old since I realized that I have to go back to my old routines and pick the things that worked the best.
Last week I created my yearly goals which included my get back on track list.
Wake up a little earlier
I know, it’s not that easy, but try to start with an extra 15 minutes, give yourself time to get used to this then give yourself 30 minutes. Use this time to mentally prepare yourself for the day by thinking of your top 3 major tasks of the day for both home and work.
Mini tidy up for your space
Make your bed, fold or organize your clothes, make your space neat. You don’t have to do a deep cleaning but the day will go a lot smoother when you start with an organized space and a clear head.
Make your list
Create a list of your daily to do’s, you may cut the page in half to separate personal and work tasks or you can make one large list including both (this is what I do). Make your list clear and realistic, do not add unnecessary items that you know will not be completed, and try to remember that being busy does not always result in productivity. I try to keep my list to a limit of 10 tasks or less.
Get fresh
Take a shower, or at least wash your face before you tackle your day. This step will get you in “ready mode” - and get that cup of coffee.
The game-changer
Utilize your phone alarms and timers. Similar to how you would set a timer for baking, set a timer for tasks, once the timer goes off, move to the other task on your list. Give yourself enough time to complete your important tasks. The timer will help with time management by creating awareness as to how long it takes to do certain tasks, adjust your timer accordingly in the future.
Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash
I wanted to share the one main thing that I learned in 2020 - Flexibility is our friend, you have to be versatile. Things are changing and will continue to do so quickly and by the time you think to yourself, oh wow this change is uncomfortable, a work or life opportunity may have passed you by.
Thank you for stopping by, see you next week!