

Welcome to my blog where I document my thoughts and ideas about growth, life, and how to positively navigate them.  I hope you have an awesome read!



Photo by Jack Sparrow

Communication is one of the most important exchanges that we have as humans. Communicating can be as simple as a smile to a passerby or as stressful as making a presentation to a room filled with people. It can be described an exchange of information, and it is so fluid that most times we do not stop to think about the quality of communication, we just communicate.

Before we were placed on lockdown I decided that I wanted to improve my communication skills. I wanted to be intentional, transparent, and to the point, but it was not until I attempted to improve that I realized how much I did not know about communication. Let’s just say I am still learning but I would like to share some of the things I have learned so far especially what I’ve learned about communicating during a pandemic.


How we speak is very important in communicating, you want to speak in a manner that will be well received by whomever you are trying to communicate with. If you are communicating with your spouse or partner you should remember that you are in this relationship because you love and care for this individual, address them as such. Short and sharp communication can be perceived as aggressive and rude. On a regular day, being “short” with your partner may be something that can fix itself, however, add a little bit of quarantine and this may quickly erupt into larger issues.

Speak to young children with care as they do not fully understand the meaning of pandemic or quarantine, to them the world is on holiday but not a happy one. Use their type of language and ask them how they feel, sit with them, and listen to them talk about missing their friends and teachers, you may even learn more about their social life than you originally expected.

Speak to people around you clearly and with the idea that everyone is going through challenging times and different people are facing different challenges. Think before you speak, think about your sentence, would it make sense if someone said it to you? Would you completely understand the purpose of communication? If you have answered no, then try again. For example instead of saying you just don’t like something, clarify by saying why you don’t like it and suggest something that you do like. See below

Example 1

Jill: Hi dear should we have Salmon for dinner?

Jack: No

This response is short and vague and may give the impression that something else is wrong.

Example 2

Jill: Hi dear should we have salmon for dinner?

Jack: No, we had salmon for dinner yesterday, let’s try chicken today, I really liked that baked chicken recipe you tried last week.

This reply is complete, it gives a clear reply with consideration of the question asked.


Another important part of communication is listening. A lot of people listen- but not very well. Our brains are moving at million thoughts per minute and we listen for keywords, we think this is great because we get to do multiple things at once but this is not always beneficial. When our brain is multitasking we are not listening effectively. We have to practice to slow down, listen,understand then respond. Do not just listen to respond. Your reply could be useless or detrimental if you are not listening effectively. See the example below.

Example 1

Jack: Hi Hunny, I will be making a run to the store and on my way back I will stop to pick up the cake and see my pal, Charlie.

Jill: Ok say hi to charlie, try to be back in ten minutes as I have to go pick up the cake.

It is evident that Jill only heard specific parts of the conversation, She did not process the part where Jack already had planned to pick up the cake. while sometimes this is only a small oversight, during a pandemic it may make the other party feel unheard and insignificant.

Example 2

Jack: Hi Hunny, I will be making a run to the store and on my way back I will stop to pick up the cake and see my pal, Charlie.

Jill: Hunny that’s great, thank you for picking up the cake it will save me time and I have a few minutes to relax before the party. Please tell Charlie I said hi.

Jill’s response was detailed and complimentary because she has heard all the details of Jack’s question. Her response was clear and comprehensive.

If you are not sure of what is being communicated, stop and ask again to be clear.


The way we think can also be considered communication. Our thought patterns directly affect how we feel throughout the day. We can choose to replace negative thoughts with positive ones by refusing to dwell in negativity. Speak to your self with compassion and kindness. Instead of feeling sad or frustrated that everyone is currently quarantined, take the time to find things about yourself that you would like to improve. This doesn’t have to be an online class or even a workout routine (these would be great too) but you can try to be more positive, or more confident in yourself. Think of things to do with your partner or family that will have a positive effect, for example, you can start a new tradition or group hobby that will continue post quarantine.

I believe that the pandemic will amplify small issues but we can all help ourselves by trying to improve communication with each other.

Are you looking to communicate more efficiently? Share your tips in the comments below, we can use all the help we can get ~