

Welcome to my blog where I document my thoughts and ideas about growth, life, and how to positively navigate them.  I hope you have an awesome read!

The 5 Minutes Face | Stop Making Your Friends And Family Wait

The 5 Minutes Face | Stop Making Your Friends And Family Wait

Photo by IN BOSSMODE on Unsplash

I’ve always watched You-tubers from makeup channels do perfect makeup in a short amount of time. I understand that the editing process allows them to cut and paste, which makes for a perfect lie about how much time it really does take to get a flawless face. I have even seen an episode of America’s Next Top Model where the challenge was to do your own makeup in a short period of time, in a car, on the way to a photo shoot - super intense!  I have spent a lot of time thinking about how I can streamline the process so I could create a five-minute face. The concept of the five-minute face came about when my boyfriend and I were getting ready to head out, maybe to a dinner or someplace and as soon as I touched my makeup bag he looked at me took a deep sigh and said “you do know we only have five minutes right?”. I’m not sure if or how he realized it but I was about to try a new makeup routine for the first time, something cool I saw on YouTube but I had to quickly abort that mission as I had only 5 minutes left to get the perfect face.  I have tried and failed (many times) after that point to accomplish the 5-minute face, until I decided to approach the issue as a project, and broke down all the steps that I take currently and organized my routine to only include the significant makeup steps.

When you decide to try the FMF set the timer on your phone to 5 minutes and try to get much of it done before the time expires – yes its that serious.

I have added a few of my favorite inexpensive makeup must-haves from  WET N WILD

 Here are my steps for quick make up.

Brows and Lashes

Your Brows are one of the most important features on your face, it brings attention to your eyes and also compliments your entire face. I do my brows first then my Lashes I start at the top of my face and work my way down.

Brow and Lash time 1 Min /30 Secs



Eyeliner is like your eye's spouse - they just go together. Eyeliner applied with precision gives your eyes a bigger and brighter look. If your eyes are the windows to your soul then the eyeliner is the frame around your windows. 

Eyeliner time 30secs

Concealer and Foundation

This is really the star of the makeup show, the role of the concealer in the FMF is to quickly cover imperfections, that's all. The Foundation is will be used to even out your skin tone and give your skin the desired texture. Ensure that you have the proper brush or sponge to complete this job. 

Conceal/foundation time 2mins


Most people usually ignore their lips and run off with just a dab of Chap-stick (me) but I've recently learned that your lips have a whole lot to do with how "made up" you look. while chap-stick with a hint of color would satisfy the lip requirement, I recommend going with a colored lipstick or a colored  gloss. I really do not enjoy putting colors on my lips it makes me feel weird, but  I am always complimented when I do and it photographs very beautifully. 

Lip time 30secs


Translucent or Face powder is the last piece of the puzzle. It blends your make up together and adds a cool and finished look to your face. 

Powder puffin time 30 secs

Rhianna's 10 minute face

If you are not at Five minute Face status, you can start with ten minutes. Check out Rhianna get a flawless face in 10 minutes.  

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