5 Quick tips everyone should use on vacation
While being spontaneously whisked away on a dreamy getaway sounds like the ideal vacation for some women and a goal for many men to accomplish, seasoned travellers will tell you that nothing beats some solid planning.
When planning your vacation, choosing the right destination is key. For our 5th annual girls' trip in June 2016, we decided on Aruba. The island was stunning, filled with breathtaking views and rich culture. However, we also had a few unexpected moments of terror when we found ourselves constantly on iguana watch. These creatures, known locally as Yuwana, can grow up to 2 meters in length. Although generally harmless, they can be quite intimidating when encountered in places where tourists feed them. Despite the beauty of Aruba, we all agreed that our future vacation spots should be iguana-free.
Before you head off on your adventure, it's essential to research your destination thoroughly. This means learning about the local culture, reading reviews of the country, city, and hotel where you'll be staying, and gathering insights from fellow travelers.
It's also important to know the official language, basic cultural etiquette, and the current currency exchange rate. Additionally, be sure to check the distance from your hotel to the airport, as well as the proximity to any attractions or activities you're excited to experience.
If you're traveling with friends or family, it's a good idea to set some ground rules to ensure everyone's safety and comfort throughout the trip. A little prep can go a long way in preventing issues.
Once you've arrived, it's time to unwind and enjoy your surroundings. Start by indulging in a snack or meal you love before the plane ride, and once you’re on the ground, let yourself soak in the adventure ahead.
Remember to stay safe, be mindful, and have fun while exploring new places. Safe travels!