

Welcome to my blog where I document my thoughts and ideas about growth, life, and how to positively navigate them.  I hope you have an awesome read!

"This is me"|Inspirview

"This is me"|Inspirview

Inpirviews are inspirational interviews and short dialogues about everyday happiness and challenges. "We don't grow when things are easy, we grow when we face challenges" - Joyce Meyer


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When I started this blog, I was excited to create a section on Lemoosh where I can talk with people and share their stories. As I read a lot of celebrity interviews, I often wonder how relatable they really are to the average person. While it can be interesting to read about the drama and challenges of the rich and famous, I'd rather hear from everyday people about their experiences and struggles. So many people feel like they're going through life alone, and I think it would be beneficial for everyone to connect and share their stories. That's why I decided to start writing about these topics myself.

Hi, my name is Sham and I am 32 years old. I'm introverted and sarcastic. I have a full-time job working for a non for profit organization. I have a great sense of humour and love making others laugh with corny jokes and witty catchphrases. I'm also a fan of live music with a variety of instruments.

Currently, I'm facing some challenges that I'm trying to address. Public speaking is one of my biggest fears and it makes me extremely nervous. I'm also an overthinker and tend to replay situations in my head over and over with different meanings and outcomes. On top of that, I tend to work best under extreme pressure, which is not a healthy or sustainable way to operate. To address these issues, I'm working on building confidence in public speaking through practice and allowing myself to make mistakes. I also try to laugh at myself when I start overthinking and review time management techniques to try and break the last-minute work habit.

If I could go back in time and give advice to my younger self, it would be to embrace who I am and know that it's okay to be myself. My favorite motivational quote is "put on your BGP," which means to put on your big girl panties and handle tough situations with strength and responsibility, even when you feel like crying.

If you'd like to be featured in our Inspirview category, please feel free to reach out to us through our contact page. We'd love to hear from you.







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